We say no to corruption

We, as HUGO BOSS, have a clear understanding of what kind of business we focus on and what kind of business we refrain from. We impress our business partners and customers with our products and not through undue influence. We also do not allow others to exert undue influence on us. Instead, we make decisions for objective and verifiable reasons.

We do not leave any room for corrupt behavior. Such conduct harms our mutual trust, the equal treatment of one another as well as the reputation and assets of our company. Corruption-related decisions distort competition, which is essential for a healthy economic system, and overall compromise the well-being of our society.

It is therefore the responsibility of everyone to avoid even the mere appearance of undue influence.

Although there are varying terms depending on the legal system and culture, we define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. In a broader sense, this includes both the offering and accepting of benefits which encourage others to do something in the ordinary course of business that is dishonest, illegal or a breach of trust.

Compliance management at HUGO BOSS aims at Group-wide legally compliant behavior. Our employees are required to comply with the Group-wide Code of Conduct and supplementary specific compliance rules. Both the publicly accessible Code of Conduct and the internal guidelines are regularly reviewed, with their content updated, particularly in response to changes in legal requirements. Likewise, our Supplier Code of Conduct forms the basis for all supplier relationships and provides an important framework for the structuring of business activities. We constantly review compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct in the form of regular audits in the production facilities and support our suppliers with training on relevant topics. In addition, Group companies are subject to regular risk analyses and detailed audits where applicable. Any infringements are reported to the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board.

A Group-wide e-learning program to be regularly completed by all employees with computer access is designed to raise awareness of compliance rules. Employees in positions where compliance is of particular relevance are trained by means of both online and physical trainings on specific topics that are of relevance to them. HUGO BOSS does not tolerate any deliberate misconduct or serious compliance infringements.

At HUGO BOSS, employees, suppliers, and trading partners can access the “Speak up Channel”, offering a secure channel to report misconduct and criminal offenses in the Company confidentially and anonymously. In addition, the aforementioned stakeholders can notify an external ombudsperson in confidence if there are any indications of fraud, infringements of antitrust law, or other compliance violations. If desired, this can also be done anonymously.

Portuguese Plan for the Prevention of Risks of corruption and related offenses 

Portuguese Addendum to the Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct (English)
Code of Conduct (Portuguese)

Whistleblowing Channel 

Publication Date: June 7, 2024